Tax Blog
Tips to help you prepare for tax season
Multi-Factor Authentication Can Head Off Sophisticated Scammers
Identity theft. Just the mere mention of this mayhem masquerade is enough to make the blood of tax professionals everywhere run cold.
As keepers of ou
Prepare Now to Be Ready for Hurricane Season
The US coastline is about to face the worst of the 2022 hurricane season, and many businesses within a day’s drive are taking steps to prepare. While
Know the Signs of Possible ID Theft
We all know that identity thieves aren’t letting up in their efforts to steal your clients’ personal information so they can file fraudulent tax r
Security Summit Announces New Sample Security Plan
Most tax-season-preparation checklists include updating software, reviewing tax law changes, earning continuing professional education credits, and tr
IRS Announces Tax Relief for Kentucky Flood Victims
This summer, the country has been hammered by extreme weather—from oppressive heat waves to torrential rains. In response to deadly flooding in Eastern Kentucky, the Internal Revenue Service announced tax relief for counties the Federal Emergency Management Agency declared disaster areas.… Read more about IRS Announces Tax Relief for Kentucky Flood Victims (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…
Use IP PINs for Extra Security
It’s never too early to start planning for the next tax season. For millions of tax pros, that means figuring how to make their operations more secure.… Read more about Use IP PINs for Extra Security (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…